Stopped packing to eat some plums and write a quick blog. I'm moving things from my big Edinburgh case into a smaller case for my smaller break. I know it's ridiculous that I've been home from the fringe a week and I haven't unpacked yet. That is one of the joys of living alone. No-one but me to climb over the massive open suitcase in the hallway and I can even do it in the dark now. Other things I could get away with:
1) pooing with the bathroom door open
2) walking around naked
3) never using plates
4) leaving dirty pants on the floor
5) cleaning only when people visit
6) trying to discourage people from visiting
7) hiding fluffy bed socks down the side of the sofa for when your feet are cold
8) lighting candles and not getting wrong off your mam
9) pausing Gary Barlow on X Factor and pretending he is your boyfriend
10) mewing like a cat whenever you like
I do all of the above bar one.
Some people would consider it lazy to not have unpacked yet but compare it to the fact that my fake mini Christmas tree is still in the spare room, fully erect, fully decorated included lights so that when December comes I can just plug it back in. Lazy or brilliant?
I've been enjoying my time off very much. I have discovered a new cafe, tweaked jokes with a friend, got addicted to The Great British Bake Off, slept a ridiculous amount, eaten the same dinner 4 days in a row, bought a small bedside lamp for late night dips into Tina Fey's brilliant book. Always nice to fall asleep giggling. I've also eaten twice in the same restaurant where Sausage and Mash is listed as a STARTER. There is also a meat store visible through glass from your table. If you pick the right table. If you're a veggie just pretend it's a zoo with very red animals. That are very still.
Got a few nice days with the man now where we can sing our silly songs and just be daft with each other. Planning days around meals and never wearing a watch. That is my definition of a holiday.
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